• Steve Jennings


    "We Take The Complexity Out of Retirement Planning"
    Graduate of Roger Williams College - 1972
    B.S. in Accounting
    Steve has over 40 years of advanced financial and business consulting, specializing in tax preparation, retirement planning, and Medicare insurance. Steve’s accustomed to working with all facets of personal and corporate taxes. In addition, he has always been an advocate for senior citizens, taking the time to help them understand complex retirement and Medicare issues. Steve has been an accomplished resident of Bristol, RI for many years and a lifelong resident of "The Ocean State".

  • Joy Jennings - Associate

    “Service With A Smile”

    When it comes to offering reliability and commitment, employing one’s family can guarantee the best possible service. Steve’s wife, Joy, fits that bill in every way! Joy has been involved in the work of Advanced Planning, Inc for seven years.
    She brings strong organizational skills to the company, and is a certified Medicare advisor.
    Joy was born and raised in Attleboro, MA...but has happily landed in Bristol, RI with her husband Steve.